Flag Maintenance

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Flag Maintenance Program

We guarantee to maintain your flag(s) and keep them looking great throughout the year. Our Flag Maintenance Programs include monthly or quarterly visits by our trained technicians. This program ensures your flagpole and flag stays looking its best at all times.

Included in our maintenance visits are free Inspection & Safety Reports. At each maintenance visit, your flagpole and all of the components will be inspected to ensure that everything is in excellent working condition. If we find any of these components need attention, we will follow up with you with a written estimate of the recommended repairs. As a flag maintenance customer, you will also receive a 10% discount on all flagpole components. Let us do all the up keep on your flagpole.

Recommended Flag Size
Flagpole Height Size of Flag
20' 3' x 5'
25' 4'x 6'
30' 5' x 8'
35' 6' x 10'
40' 8' x 12'
45' 8' x 12'
50' 10' x 15'
60' 12' x 18'
70' 15' x 25'
80' 20' x 30'

Give us a call today

We take great pride in offering top quality products at unbeatable prices. We are your direct source for everything flags and flagpoles.

Toll Free  (888) 735-5591Fax  (775) 665-6526