Flagpole Installation Instructions

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The external halyard ground set system is the simplest and most traditional flagpole. While simple in function and easily rigged, this flagpole will provide years of service with only occasional maintenance.

All fiberglass flagpoles, internal or external halyards, come pre-assembled and are very lightweight which makes them easy to install. They have a white glossy finish and have very high wind ratings. They will not conduct electricity or attract lightning.

Once you have purchased and received your residential flagpole, now it's ready to be installed. When choosing the location of your flagpole, be sure to consider underground and overhead lines, trees that will continue growing and keeping your flag flying freely without it touching anything. Something else to consider may be lighting. Will the location be appropriate for running electrical lines for lighting if you choose to do so? Once you have selected the perfect location for your flagpole it's time to assemble the flagpole which may include:

  • Unwrapping the flagpole shaft
  • Attaching Top Truck Unit
  • Screw Ball into Truck Unit
  • Thread Halyard Through Pulley and Tie
  • Attaching Cleat
  • Installing Flag Snaps on Halyard

You are now ready to install your flagpole!! 

Here is what you will need:

  • Ground Sleeve (provided with flagpole)
  • Shovel or Post hole diggers
  • Level
  • Tape Measure
  • Mixed Concrete
  • Wooden Shims
  • Sand
  • Flash Collar (optional)
    • Begin by digging your hole. The depth and width will be determined by the size flagpole you have. General rule for installation is 10% of the flagpole's height. (Example: A 25' flagpole will need a hole 2.5' deep, a 30' flagpole's hole 3' deep.)
    • Insert Ground Sleeve in center of hole.
    • Pour wet concrete in hole around Ground Sleeve. (Ground Sleeve should be 1” above concrete level.)
    • Use Level to make sure Ground Sleeve is plumb.
    • (Optional: Put Flash Collar on flagpole.)
    • Place the base of the flagpole into the Ground Sleeve and walk flagpole up until flagpole dropped completely into ground sleeve.  (Ground Sleeve will be larger in diameter than flagpole's diameter.)
    • Use Wooden Shims and Level to ensure your flagpole is completely Plumb.
    • Pour DRY Sand into Ground Sleeve between flagpole and Ground Sleeve until full. This is what secures your flagpole.
    • Attach your Flag....fly it with PRIDE!!

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We take great pride in offering top quality products at unbeatable prices. We are your direct source for everything flags and flagpoles.

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